Coding Fun with Python - Space Invaders game
Course • 49 lessons4.8 average rating (5 reviews)Have you ever thought about understanding the basics of Programming by doing some simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will go through the basics of Python programming and a hands on fun game - Space Invaders game.
Snake game using Python
Course • 23 lessons4.7 average rating (6 reviews)Have you ever thought about understanding the basics of Programming by doing some simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will deep dive into Python Advanced Programming concepts with a hands on game creation - Snake game.
Pokémon game using Python
Course • 28 lessonsHave you ever thought about understanding the basics of Programming by doing few simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will deep dive into OOP concepts like Inheritance, Encapsulation and walk through steps involved in creating Pokémon game.
Mario game using Python
Course • 11 lessonsHave you ever thought about understanding the basics of Programming by doing few simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will deep dive into OOP concepts like Polymorphism and walk through steps involved in creating Mario game.
Course • 25 lessons4.8 average rating (8 reviews)Have you ever thought about understanding the significance of 3D Printing by creating some simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will go through Creating and Visualizing objects in 3D.
3D Printing - Creating Pencil Holder Design
Course • 20 lessons4.9 average rating (11 reviews)Have you ever thought about understanding the significance of 3D Printing by creating some simple hands-on activities. In this course, we will go through creating Pencil Holder design and visualize in 3D.