Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Prerequisites

    3. File to download

    4. Binary Classification

    5. Get Dummies

    6. Challenge Problem

    7. Challenge explanation

    8. Merge columns

    9. Check outputs

    10. Correlation between other values

    11. Challenge Problem

    1. Recap

    2. Challenge answer

    3. Transform Data steps

    4. Code Preprocessing steps

    5. Challenge problem

    6. Challenge Answer

    7. Unbalanced dataset

    8. Test your Understanding

    9. Challenge answer

    10. Split Training, Testing Data

    11. Scale Data

    12. Pipeline

    13. Make Pipeline

    14. More explanation

    15. Use Pipeline

    16. Incorrect Predictions

    17. Confidence scores

    18. Challenge Problem

    19. Summary

    20. Congratulations on completing this course!

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content