Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Which platform to advertise your Video

    3. dm-chap1-less2

    4. What makes a Good Video

    5. How to make Good Video

    6. Choosing Audio

    7. Software we will use for Video Creation

    8. Sample Commercial

    9. Get started on creating a Video

    1. Quick recap

    2. Get started with new Commercial

    3. Sample Commercial

    4. Significance of Audio

    5. Choosing an Audio

    6. Choose our first video snippet

    7. Trim the video

    8. Adding another snippet

    9. Repeat the process based on your theme

    10. Adding contrast to your sequence

    11. Finish up adding video snippets

    12. Add Business Info

    13. Add effects and finish up the project

    14. Tool related overview

    15. Download your video

    1. Introduce new tool

    2. Navigate through the tool

    3. Demo of commercial we will be doing

    4. Brainstorm core theme of the commercial

    5. Choose and download required clips

    6. Upload the clips

    7. Walk through overall plan for commercial

    8. Choose and align background music

    9. Add new scene

    10. Add captions

    11. Finish up our commercial

    12. Congratulations on completing this course!

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content