Data Science - Data Analysis & Data Visualization courses
Bundle • 12 learning productsIn this course bundle we will introduce Data Science concepts with simple hands on projects. We cover Data Analysis and Data Visualization concepts with simple hands on projects.
Data Science - Advanced Visualizations & Intro to ML
Bundle • 9 learning productsIn this course bundle we will go through Advanced Data Visualization projects and provide an Introduction to Machine Learning with simple hands on projects.
No Code/Low Code Visual ML
Bundle • 6 learning productsIn this course bundle we will go through No Code, Low Code Visual Machine Learning Cloud tools based projects.
Machine Learning & AI - Reinforcement Learning
Bundle • 9 learning productsIn this course bundle we will go through Reinforcement Machine Learning hands on projects with simple hands on projects.
Machine Learning & AI - Supervised Learning
Bundle • 11 learning productsIn this course bundle we will go through Supervised Machine Learning and it's types Regression and Classification related concepts with simple hands on projects.
ML & AI - Unsupervised Learning & Decision Trees
Bundle • 9 learning productsIn this course bundle we will go through Unsupervised Machine Learning and Decision Tree related concepts with simple hands on projects.